Job completed for Toilet Leak in Rockford, MI

Completion Date:

February 8, 2024


Rockford, MI

Why did the customer contact us?

Camelot Emergency Water Removal received a call from a homeowner in Rockford, Michigan, regarding a toilet leak in the second-floor bathroom. The leak affected the drywall and kitchen ceiling below. The homeowner called us to make sure their home was properly dried.

Solutions provided:

Project Manager, Rich Baker, arrived at the home, he thoroughly assessed the damage and communicated the scope of work with the customer. The customer agreed with the scope of work and approved us to start the remediation. Crew Chief, Corey, and partner, Will began by removing the damaged materials affected by the water. After the clean-up and disinfection, proper drying equipment was installed to quickly dry the home. The customer was satisfied with our services!