Job completed for Laundry room sink overflow in Grand Rapids, MI

Completion Date:

September 10, 2022


Grand Rapids, MI

Why did the customer contact us?

Camelot Emergency Water Removal received a call from a homeowner in Grand Rapids, Michigan, regarding a sink overflow that occurred in the main floor laundry. Water seeped through the floor and walls of the laundry room and affected several other rooms on the main floor as well as the basement below. The vinyl, baseboard, carpet, padding, and cabinets were damaged throughout 2 levels of the home. The homeowner needed assistance in restoring their property correctly.

Solutions provided:

Camelot Emergency Water Removal Manager, Brian, arrived at the residence and began to inspect the damage. Upon his arrival, Brian inspected the situation and detected moisture readings in several rooms on the main floor and into the basement. With the customer, Brian determined the most effective course of action for drying the home. The team removed affected flooring and installed proper drying equipment including some inject dry machine to circulate airflow and restore the wet walls. After a few short days the home was dry.